Ingredients for 4 servings
Cod fillets (salted) 2pcs.
Okra 450g. 1 pc.
Olive oil 150gr.
chopped onion, 1 pc.
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
50g tomato paste. (a teaspoon full)
500g chopped tomatoes.
A little vinegar
Little Sugar
Salt, pepper and a laurel leaf
We remove the salt from the cod and we cut it into portions.
In a saucepan heat the 100g of oil and saute onion and garlic.
Add the tomato paste and then the chopped tomatoes.
Add a glass of water, bay leaves little sugar, salt and pepper.
With the remaining oil in a skillet saute the okra and add the vinegar.
Put the okra in a pan, place over the pieces of cod and drizzle with sauce.
We cook our food in the oven (180th C) for 20-25 minutes.
Serve garnished with fresh chopped parsley.
Tips of the chef:
Instead of water you can add white wine
Add to your baking sheet 1-2 potatoes cut into small cubes and enrich your plate.
Seasoned the dish you served with fresh olive oil.